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Real life stories to help you improve your programs.

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Uncover the real cost of your fundraising program

Need to analyse the actual return on investment for your fundraising programs? The team at The Kids Cancer Project (TKCP), like most donor-funded organisations, are ...
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Building a regular giving program for risk mitigation

It’s a common situation we find charities in – they’ve secured some great, high-value partnerships, but building their own unique regular giving program feels like ...
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heart foundation testimonial CASE STUDY

How National Heart Foundation changed their telemarketing strategy and increased their contact rates

When working with NHF to take an in-depth look at their lapsed program and why their contact rates were declining, the analysis revealed that supporters ...
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upgrade fundraiser program CASE STUDY

Discover the missing ingredient in your upgrade programs

It is common knowledge in the industry that 80 percent of an organisation’s donations often come from 20 percent of their most loyal, invested supporters. ...
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Stroke Foundation NZ acquisition strategies CASE STUDY

Stroke Foundation NZ on what to do when acquisition strategies fail

A common issue we find organisations like Stroke Foundation tend to be bound by is a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to marketing to their ...
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upgrade donation calls ARTICLE

Upgrade calls – why it’s not about the money

An upgrade calling program is one of the most powerful ways to build a community of inspired, connected donors and to engage with them in ...
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upgrading your regular givers donations ARTICLE

Upgrading your regular givers

Our top six tips for making sure your upgrade program is kicking goals: 1. Say ‘thank you’. Delivering a heartfelt thank you is the key ...
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return on donation investment ARTICLE

Boards and leadership teams – talking about return on investment

Recessions generally mean more tough questions being asked by our boards. There can be a switch from long-term thinking to short-term budget management. Questions come ...
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reactivation fundraiser programs ARTICLE

8 Reasons to love reactivation programs

Every regular giving base has a rate of donor churn (attrition) and having a reactivation program in place will reduce that, and help you grow. ...
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fundraising strategy ARTICLE

How do you develop a lifetime value fundraising strategy?

Let’s start by giving Lifetime Value (LTV) a basic definition. Simply put, it’s the total value of gifts a supporter will give to your organisation ...
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value regular giving program ARTICLE

It’s time to focus on the value not just the volume of your regular giving program

Unlike any other year, 2020 will hopefully go down in fundraising history as the year that finally broke our addiction to big volume (regular giving) ...
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recession donations fundraising ARTICLE

Recession proofing through regular giving

For a lot of organisations, it’s been a big year for fundraising appeals and virtual events – with many charities seeing booming results from crisis ...
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