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Upgrade calls – why it’s not about the money

upgrade donation calls
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An upgrade calling program is one of the most powerful ways to build a community of inspired, connected donors and to engage with them in a personal way. Why? Because it isn’t just another ask for more money – itway more than that.   

1. It’s a thank-you call. 

If someone is giving you a regular gift, why not say thank you? We ask donors to be loyal but we often segment to save money and forget to thank. Remember to thank them for their massive impact and acknowledge how they are the true hero of the story. 

2. It’s a chance to re-inspire supporters. 

Supporters may not have read your newsletters. Upgrade calls enable you to show the donor the impact of their generosity. It will remind them why they supported you in the first place.  

3. It’s an opportunity to update. 

Upgrade calls are a fantastic way to educate supporters on other aspects of your work and are critical to keeping them engaged. Your donors want to help you – but they need a reason.   

4. It’s good customer service. 

Regular upgrade calls help you deliver a premium supporter experience. Donors increase their gifts and stick around because they feel involved and important.    

5. It’s going to reduce attrition. A lot.  

Supporters who receive an upgrade call are half as likely to lapse in the 12 months following the call, than supporters who were not called. And that holds true even if they say no to upgrading their gift.  

6. It’s a great way to build your bequest program.  

Your regular giving base has huge bequest potential. If someone is going to make the (usually) biggest gift of their lives, and they have a choice between your organisation and one who didn’t call, who didn’t update, who took them for granted… who do you think they’ll be more likely to leave a bequest to? 

7. It’s a great way to get meaningful supporter feedback.  

This call can give you some incredible insights into what supporters want, how you can improve their experience with you, and what really motivates/interests them about your work. Collect it. Analyse it. Use it to personalise your future interactions and set yourself apart.  

8. It’s a data cleanse. 

Check supporter details. Update or add to them. The more contact points you have the better! 

Need assistance with scripting your upgrade calls more authentically and fitting them into a more strategic regular giving approach? The team at Raisers Hub can help, book in a free 15-minute discovery call to find out more.